Friday, November 7, 2014

5 Video games that should have been amazing, but wasn't.

  Sometimes there is a game on the horizon that you feel is just going to be totally awesome, but they turn out not to be. Not saying they are bad or anything, they are just simply not as ridiculously great as one would imagine. Let's take a look at 6 of them here. Now, these are not in any particular order, so don't take this as a "top" list:

      1. Rift (PC)

  This title really had heads turning. I remember everyone saying, this would be the killer of that other huge MMORPG that shall remain unnamed here. Instead it stayed far too true to the established to make a true name for itself. While there are a couple glimmers of uniqueness here and there, it was just not enough reason for you to jump ship and start all over in another MMORPG and do nearly the same stuff, albeit "reskinned". 

      2. Phantasy Star Universe (Multiple Platforms)

  What need be said of this game? The whole thing was just uninteresting, maybe? Phantasy Star has always been a great RPG series, perhaps if this would've been the first of the whole Phantasy Star Online series, it wouldn't have disappointed so badly. However, It wasn' it did disappoint a bit.

      3. Dragon Age II (Multiple Platforms)

  This was a mess, IMHO. While the game itself wasn't so bad, the contrast from the 1st game to this one is so different. The storytelling alone made it feel almost like a totally different game series than the original. The gameplay also made it feel like some other company made a cheap sequel to Origins.  

      4. Diablo III (Multiple Platforms)

  Remember I said that these games weren't bad games, just not as great as expected. This game falls perfectly into that. The game is genuinely solid, it's just so much different than it's predecessor that it's almost scary. I mean graphically (not that it's bad), limited skill customization and odd classes seem to be what stand out for me.

      5. Risen 2: Dark Waters (Multiple Platforms)

  Linear story,check. Bland combat, check. Very little exploration,check. This game took every thing that I even remotely liked about the original and took it away. The game is still fun, it just wasn't nearly as cool as most thought it would be.

  So there you have it, just a few of the many games that I feel could be on this list.

Do you agree with any of the games on this list? How would your list look and compare to this one? Let me know in the comments below!