Been Playing Borderlands 2

  Love, Love, Loooove this title, I have played it off and on since release. There is so much fun DLC available for this game and the game's graphics and art style really draw me in, although I have a few friends that say they can't stand it. Tons and tons of quests litter the massive world. There's just so much to see and do.

  You play a Vault Hunter of your choosing from one of the several choices available.  I do wish that you could still play the hunters from the original game, but these are still very fun, with my favorite being the Mechromancer! They all have different play styles and such. I do feel that the focus on certain weapon types depending on your chosen hunter,from the first game added to that flavor. They decided not to do that for this title, and I can understand why.

  In your journey across the world you will meet lots of interesting characters, some from the previous game, some new. Among the most interesting is Handsome Jack, oh my, this guy taunts you the entire way through the game. His dialogue is so funny it both, makes him irritating and lovable at the same time.  He is great, you almost feel more for him than your own character.

  As always, there is a massive amount of weapons, with all sorts of effects and oddities on them. The talent tree system also makes it's way back into the sequel along with some new additions, such as "Badass Ranks", these give you permanent little bonuses to your character for doing tasks and such, like killing so many enemies with criticals or with a certain element, and so on.

  I could go on about this game for ages though, and this is already getting longer than I wanted, so I will end by saying this game is terrific, from the interesting characters to the gunplay, this is a FPS/RPG that you should not miss. Have you played Borderlands 2? What did you think about it?

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