Wow...This game is so much better than I had hoped for! Huge world, lots of quests, deep character development, great combat even, It even has an awesome story to boot. I'm not real sure I could ask anymore from a game. I wish I was a game reviewer because I would find it hard to give this game any lower than a 9.5 out of 10, but alas, I'm not.
This world just feels breathtakingly huge, with large mountains looming in the far distance and rivers tracing their way through nicely dense forests. The world is not just big and empty however, it's filled with life. From bustling camps and towns right on into the forests with denizens and fauna scurrying away as you approach. The beautiful artwork and amazing graphics and animations help to bring this aspect to fruition even more.
While the world may be huge, character development is not lacking either. From a story point as well as the mechanical application. Most of the characters are nicely, and more importantly, realistically voice acted. When someone needs your help with something urgent, you can almost feel the panic in their voices or when one of your companions want you to help you really feel compelled to because they are so well developed, you feel a real connection there.
On the mechanical side of character development, it is mostly what you would expect from a "Triple A" rpg in this day and age. There are lots of items to find, craft, loot and pillage, an excellent skill tree system and of course a ton of stats to boost. It really lets you dive into the whole character customization thing. There is also a great variety of visual customization, so no worries there either.
There is so much to see and do here. It's nearly impossible to run more than 30 or 40 seconds in any direction and not find something to pull you in. Whether it be a Fade rift to close, or a corpse on the ground that will throw you into a quest line, there is almost always something to do. Running around and collecting hides from animals, or mining and harvesting ore and herbs, you will almost certainly run into something, which adds even more depth and excitement to exploring.
Even the combat feels and looks really good. It's punchy and weighty, not too fast but not boringly slow. It doesn't fail to keep you on your toes at times. If the original Dragon Age game and the second game had a child together, it would be the combat system in Inquisition. It has the tactical cam, that I rarely use, but also the 'actiony' (is that a word?) feel of the second title in the series that I really adored. It works well.
The story is, as one might expect, wonderful. with the key moments really standing out with cutscenes and dialog. there is not as much choice in dialogue this time around, however, so if that's your thing then you may feel a bit unsatisfied. No, they opted to let your actions in the world influence your story more instead of just dialogue choices. Now, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of dialogue choices in this game, they are just not as plentiful or (seemingly) impactful as in the original, at least not immediately. Honestly though, this way works better and I hope we see more games take this approach instead of having you pick some conversational option, it feels more natural.
Dragon Age: Inquisition has been a complete and utterly refreshing joy to experience thus far, The gigantic world, myriad of quests, characters and combat really has me hooked on this fantastic tale and I can't wait to see where the adventure takes my character next. Have you been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition? What do you think of it so far, let me know in the comments below (Dat rhyme!).
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