Been playing Firefall


 I have been playing this game since early beta and quit. Well, after hearing about launch, curiosity got the better of me and I just had to give it another go. Wow, was I surprised to find this totally different game than what I had played. I think this game is great, the performance is good, the visuals are quite gorgeous and the zones are pretty HUGE. I love the different "Battleframes" (this games equivalence of classes). 

I guess I should have started with this, but for those who don't know, this game is a Massively Multi-player Online First-person Shooter (MMOFPS), with RPG elements. I have seen many (wrongly IMO) compare this game to the Borderlands series. While I will agree, they both have guns, and you shoot people, the similarity ends there.

 Now, a lot of people that played the game during beta give this game a lot of flak, due to all the changes it's made. Well let me tell you,from my perspective, all the changes were awesome and necessary to make an actual structured,playable title. This game has everything from large,persistent open world zones to small squad instances and big raids. Something like 16 battleframes and a fair amount of Dynamic Events as well as missions. Also, did I mention the game is free to play? Well it is and it does a great job at giving you lots of content for free, and keeping the more cosmetic and boosty stuff to pay for. Oh, and did I mention you can fly around with your jet pack? So fun!

Devil's Tusk is so nice this time of year.

 Having said all of this, I do have a few issues with the game.Firstly, it takes a little bit too long to level up to max. Let me elaborate. The first frame you level up seems like it goes pretty quickly (you can level up all the frames on one character).Then after that it seems to go rather slow,as you must use the same content that you used to level your last frame almost exclusively. I probably need to explain the leveling/frame system a little bit. Ok, so here goes: You choose a frame archetype  at the beginning of the game (after you get to see them in action a bit). After the initial tutorial,you can change to any of the 5 archetypes at anytime from a battleframe/garage station.So let's take the Biotech archetype (that's my favorite) they are the healing archetype. So you will start out as just a regular Accord Biotech. Once you reach 40 (the games current level-cap as of this post) you get a token which you can then use to get any of the other advanced frames. So for example, I liked the the healing side of the Accord Biotech, so I went for the Dragonfly which delves deeper into that aspect, though you are not limited to just your initial archetype. Ok,so then I became a Dragonfly...level I had to go back through all the same content to progress again ,so on and so forth. But they are already adding new missions and events so this complaint may be rendered invalid one day, hopefully.

 My second and probably last gripe, is the balance of the enemies. They are either way too easy or way too hard! I have very rarely thought after doing a mission, hey that felt perfect. It's those guys were super easy, or wow those guys were way too hard (although the latter seems to be more at the earlier levels).But, I digress, all in all I love this game. Have you all played it? What do you think about it? Let me know in the comments.

              BTW, you can get this game from or from Steam.

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