Been playing Tom Clancy's: The Division

Tom Clancy's The Division
The Division boasts superb graphics
 Tom Clancy's The Division is an excellent third-person, cover-based shooter with RPG mechanics. It'll have you looting corpses and shooting baddies for at least a good 30 hours. The graphics and sound are both very well done. The story is also adequate enough to keep you pushing through.

 The Division is set in a post-pandemic New York City. Some crazy guy engineered a beefed up version of Small Pox and set it loose on Black Friday. You are an agent, working for the... Government? The character you create is part of a team simply called, you guessed it, The Division. So the Story sees you pushing through New York and taking down all these different factions of gangs, such as The Cleaners and looters. While also finding out what happened to the agents that came before you.
Tom Clancy's The Division
The cover shooter and RPG mechanics work well.

 As a game, the cover shooter and RPG mechanics work well. You can gracefully dip from cover to cover or vault over obstacles. The RPG aspects, however, I feel could use some tweaking. I think my biggest gripe with this gorgeous game is that the look is really not exciting. This is a Diabloesque looting game, after all. It could boil down to them toning the loot down for realism purposes. But screw that, this game flopped right passed realistic the moment I had to shoot a normal human in the head 15 times... With a sniper rifle! So there are NO excuses!

 The Division boasts superb graphics, even when in low presets (on the PC). The character models, for the most part, look very detailed. Great textures, complex environments with plenty of dense clutter on the ground. Huge skyscrapers loom, with awesome reflections. The snow melts as the day warms, I could go on, but you get the picture. The sound is also nothing to scoff at though it can get repetitive at times. For example, if you listen to the combat vocals, 75% of the thug's names are Alex, just sayin'.
Tom Clancy's The Division
It's so fun shooting up the baddies and looting, even if the loot is uncreative.

The missions are well designed and fun to play through. Missions are kind of like dungeons in other games. there are also plenty of secondary missions, tasks, and collectibles scattered across a HUGE game map. There is also open-world PvPvE in the form of the Dark Zone. This Dark Zone houses both possibly hostile players and NPCs. It's really eerie, as you don't know if that player is going to be friendly or if they will open fire on you, or bait you into thinking they are helpful and then back stab you. Yeah, the Dark Zone is definitely my cup of tea, but the good thing is, you don't ever have to go there.

Overall, Tom Clancy's The Division is one heck of a fun game! Just, make sure to bring some friends along, for best results. You can find out more about The Division here.

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