Been playing Castlevania Lords of Shadow Mirror of fate


 Wow, that's a really long name so let's just call it CastelvaniaLOSMOF still long,but a bit more manageable lol. So, anyhow, this game was on sale via Steam and I had to pick it up. It is a sidescrolling 3D platformer/action rpg. When I was getting this game I was hoping it would be like Symphony of The Night, it almost is, just not as indepth it would seem (so far). You play the game through the eyes of multiple different characters (so far I have played Simon and Alucard) and they all have their own stories that lead them to a certain point in the game,as well as each having their own "Feel" or gameplay style.

 Now, I know this game is just a port but I had such high hopes for it...which to my delight, it met most of. While I would prefer a bit more customization\itemization, it provides just enough to get by. The cut scenes, IMO, are a bit cheesy,but meh, they work. For what it is the graphics are decent and the music, as always, is awesome. The combat feels nice and satisfying too.

 The game gets much harder after ...Simon's quest...hah...see what I did there? Anyhow, the jumps start getting tougher to make and it feels like the enemies hit Alucard harder. I think there is another character that you play after alucard, but I can't be sure. Anyone know? I have not played long but I already found my most hated enemy...The Gargoyles...The Phantasmal Sword things are annoying as well. They really did do a good job at enemy design.

Yeah these would be the Phantasmal sword things I mentioned. Gosh, I love videogames!

 That;s about it for today. Let me know how you feel about this game. Also be sure to check out my other "Been Playings" by clicking them in the articles side bar. Have a good night and game on my friends.

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